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- Preparing For Retirement
- Planning for Retirement
The PSSP provides retirement benefits to individuals who work in a Nova Scotia government department or at a participating municipality, university, agency, board, or commission.
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Sign in to the secure My Retirement Plan Member website to view your personal pension information. For active Plan members only, not available for retirees.
When you retire, your pension benefit is calculated using a pre-determined formula that considers your highest average salary (HAS) and years of pensionable service.
Download the Pre-Retirement Seminar presentation.
If you are planning for retirement and have an eligible spouse, the pension option you choose is important as it will determine the amount paid to your surviving spouse after you die.
It is important to keep your banking information up-to-date to ensure there are no interruptions in your pension payments.
Your Annual Member Statement provides you with information about your pension benefit accumulated as at December 31 of the previous year and shows you eligible retirement dates.
When you retire, your retirement income will come from three sources.
We are pleased to provide our active pension plan members with access to the new My Retirement Plan website.
To apply for your pension you must complete all forms and forward them to the Nova Scotia Pension Services Corporation.